Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Littering IS Not Cool

This story is more of a look back and "learn". I learned very early on that littering was unacceptable. Nothing gets my mom fuming like seeing someone litter. The only exception is my dad who occasionally throws tooth picks out the car window. He says it is no different than a twig falling from a tree.

I will never forget the day that we were busted for littering. I was in 6th grade and had a few friends over. It was a mixed group of guys and girls from the church. There was a take out pizza place at the end of our street and we decided to walk down there for some bread sticks. On the way back one of the boys threw the empty container into the woods. I cringed, but kept my mouth shut because I wanted this boy to think that I was cool.

As we approached the house with our bread sticks still in hand, I guess my mom's inner motherly radar must have been going off, because she immediately noticed that we were not carrying a bag or box. She asked us about the missing container and it came out what had happened. All of the sudden it was like she transformed into some kind of monster from a science fiction movie and with wide eyes, pierced lips, and a red face, she hovered over us and with an intimidating growl she commanded- "GO GET IT." We had to walk all the way back to retrieve the littered materials and throw it in the trash where it belonged. I was so embarrassed, but now I don't even think about littering or trying to impress anyone who does because it is just not cool.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Ohhhhhh, I HATE littering! It gets me all riled up!

I guess that means I'm destined to embarass my daughter sometime in the future...ahhh, the things I have to look forward to! ;)

hannah said...

your mom was the cool one that day... ;)

Lexi said...

I hate littering too!

It really irritates me when people throw cigarette butts (sp?) out their windows too...this is a form of littering!!! And dropping them on the ground outside a store is littering as well. YUCK!

{amy} said...

I hate it, too! When I see it, I always sing a song from from an elementary school program that I was in, "Litter bug, litter bug. Don't you stink..." My kids think I'm weird...What irks me the most though, is to see someone litter NEAR a trash can. How does that even make sense?! Are you THAT lazy that you can't take a few more steps? OK, I'll step off my soap box now!

Happy Earth Day!