Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Tax Day!

I just wanted to wish everyone a "happy tax day". I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but taxes might be happy for some people. Like for instance, the type A personalities who love crunching numbers, or maybe someone looking forward to a big rebate.

As for everybody else who feels like doing taxes is a beating, you are not alone. I know how it is, year after year you swear next year will be different, but each time you find yourself waiting until the last minute. You painfully sift through mounds of disorganized receipts and forms as you pray to God that you won't ever be audited.

That's me, and add to that being a self employed small business owner. I might as well walk around in sack cloth and ashes on April 15th because it is a time of mourning the death of half of my income.

I feel like I can identify with the character Ana Pascal from the movie "Stranger Than Fiction". Ana is a free spirited bakery owner (played by Maggie Gyllenhaal) who is audited by an IRS agent (played by Will Farrell). I think I might have to make that movie a tax time tradition. "Stranger Than Fiction" could be to April 15th what "It's a Wonderful Life" is to Christmas time.

So for anyone feeling bad about taxes, take cheer I am sure there is some one out there that probably has it worse than you do. Here is a photo of J a couple years ago preparing our taxes and this is just to hand the paper work over. We actually pay someone to do the rest.

See I told you it could be worse.
That is why I just wanted to take this moment to wish everyone a happy tax day, whatever your financial situation may be, and if it is your birthday, well then happy birthday too.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I'd forgotten that was the premise (or at least, part of it) of Stranger than Fiction. I remember loving the movie when I saw it, but it's been a while!

I'm dragging today because I filed our taxes last night. I am most certainly NOT a numbers person or even remotely qualified to file taxes. And that's not even the worst of it. The worst part is the LARGE amount that we owe!

Happy Tax Day to you, too! I hope you owe MUCH LESS than I do! :)

hannah said...

after i realized how much taxes would be taken out of my little income i told peter it's not worth working - geez! oh well, at least i do what i love. :)

Anonymous said...

My comment deals with money that could help someone in the future. A while back you mentioned small ways someone can save money like "saving change". I hadn't done that in some time. Well I started doing it that week. Not all my change but most . This morning after a trip to coinstar I had already saved $29.33. That's after what you had to give them. I'm very happy about this and plan on continuing.
Happy Tax Day :(

Becky said...

I love that picture.

And yeah, we did ours last night, even though we probably should have paid someone else, and ouch! Owie ow ow!

If at any time recently I was feeling flush, I don't now. I feel po'.

Amanda said...

Just some info- if you know your going to get a refund you don't have the April 15th deadline. You just have to file your taxes within 3 years to still receive your refund. Hope all is well.

Unknown said...

Thank you for bringing a bit of cheer to my dreary day!

Lexi said...

I always stress about taxes, this is actually the first year since Chris and I have been married that we actually received a refund. It was a serious miracle. However little it was, we still didn't have to pay! I would stink at being a business owner and setting aside money to pay the IRS. I commend you for it...that would be totally hard. I hope your day was cheery regardless of your tax results.