Friday, April 24, 2009

Frugal Earth day

One thing I love about going green is that it typically goes hand in hand with frugal living. So as if you haven’t seen enough of these things on The Today show and Oprah here are my Top 10 ways I save money while helping to save the environment.

1."Thrifting", if you have hung around this blog for any length of time you know I am all about thrift store shopping which is just another form of recycling.

2. Buying anything used. It’s not just about recycling clothes we also drive used cars and own refurbished computers, all of the furniture in our house is used too.

3. Energy Star Appliances. Okay for this we went new, but it is still good for the environment because they use less energy and it is great for our monthly bills!

4. Speaking of energy bill I mentioned at the beginning of the week that my new goal is to keep the lights off during the day. It is going quite well, along with that we use the energy effencient light bulbs all throughout our home.

5.Fuel efficient driving. I may not have the most fuel efficient vehicle (not that it is the worst either), but I do my best to drive in ways that conserve gas. That means minimal idoling, ac only when necessary and easy on the acceleration. I also calculate my MPG when I fill up just keep myself in check.

6.Cooking with homegrown ingredients. You know it’s healthy and pesticide free, plus way cheaper than buying it from the store. If you can’t plant a garden yourself try the local farmers market.

7. Hanging clothes on the line. I love the smell of clothes hung out to dry and yet again another example of going green and saving money.
8.Making your own household cleaners. They are non toxic and cheaper.

9.Eating Leftovers. What can I say, waste not want not.

10. Filtered water instead of bottled water. Saves you money and doesn’t use plastic.

These are just some of the ways that I am trying to go green, not that I have mastered them, but you have to start somewhere right?

For more Frugal tips check out Life As Mom


{amy} said...

Oh my gosh, I seriously thought you took a picture of your thongs on the clothesline! I was like, "No she didn't!", so I clicked on the image & realized it was diapers!! Silly me :)

Thanks for your tips!!

Zion said...

Oh my goodness, I should clarify what that picture is in case there is any further mix up. HA HA!