Saturday, April 4, 2009

My week in a twittery format

I had a good CVS shopping trip for the first time in a long time. I got an easter egg decorating kit, 2 hand soaps, 2 mascaras and a king size reese's for 8 cents!

I went to the grocery store and forgot my wallet and told the cashier I would come right back to pay.

I went back to the grocery store within 10 or 15 minutes, but they had already put all my stuff away, so I left crying.

I finally got the gumption to go shopping that evening, I went to a different store and finally got what I needed.

Now that Z can say cookie he is constantly asking for them. I was making chicken the other day and we both started chanting "chicken, chicken, chicken" and then he shouts "cookie"? Sneaky little guy thought he could pull a fast one on me.

I took a pregnancy tests and it turned out to be negative.

I had to schedule to photograph a women and she shot down all of the days that I was available to work, insisting she could only do it on the one day and time that I did not have a babysitter. In the end I was able to find a sitter, but I resented it.

We watched Lost online. What an episode!

I was getting ready to go do that shoot that I resented and came into the kitchen to discover that Z had gotten a hold of a box of rice.

I took another pregnancy test thinking that the first one might have been inaccurate, but the second one had the same reading and this time I am convinced.

Tonight my husband and I put Z in his pajamas, went to a drive thru to get ice cream and then drove around talking until he fell asleep. He's asleep now. I am blogging now.

So that's basically my week, my reality as the messy mom. It's not that glamorous or exciting, but I have to say I wouldn't trade it for anything because of who I get to share it with.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love the twitter format! I may steal this idea in the very near future, but I will give you credit!

And I'm mad that they put all your groceries away.