Thursday, April 16, 2009

Worth The Cost

I am a bean counting, penny pinching, tight wad, or at least that's what I've been told. Even for those of us that are frugal fanatics there are some times you just have to lay down some cash to get the job done right. For example when I was pregnant I registered for a $35.00 hand held breast pump because there was no way I could justify getting a $300 electronic pump! A big part of the breast milk advantage is that it's free right? Not to mention I used to work on a farm and used milk machines to pump milk from the goats, so the idea of using a similar mechanism on myself kind of weirded me out.

When the time came that I needed to give my son a bottle I used the manual pump. A couple months later I went back to work and as a part time working mom I used the pump quite frequently. It didn't take long before the cup attachment became entirely deformed. That is when I decided I needed to bite the bullet and get an electronic breast pump. After doing some research I decided to go with the Philips Avent Isis iQ Duo Twin Electronic Breast Pump (I guess the longer the name the more money it costs). It is listed on the Avent website for $350.00, but I got mine on Amazon for $255.
The first time I used it I was astonished by how much more milk I could get and how quickly. I don't know how I ever lived without it and I still loathe even the memory of the months that I spent using a hand pump. I never thought I would get so excited about a breast pump. It's kind of embarrassing to even talk about it, but the Avent electronic pump is one of the things I love!

I am not nursing anymore, but I have the pump stored away for when it can be used again, which will make it that much more of a worth while investment.

This blog post is a part of Things I love Thursday over at the diaper diaries


Michele R said...

Definitely worth it when having more than one child. I should have bought one. I rented one 3 times for my three from a medical equipment pharmacy place. For about 3 months each time. (you buy your own attachment tubes and stuff). I think renting may still have been less expensive but this was 8 years ago.

Amy @ Finer Things said...

I bought an older version of that pump from my sister-in-law when I was working part-time with an infant. Luckily I only had to pay $100, but when it comes to pumps... I'm with you. Pay for a good one! I loved my Avent.

Amy said...

I also rented, my insurance paid for it since my girls were premature. But I totally agree with you, an electric pump is totally the way to go! There is no way I would have made it through 2 months of exclusive pumping with a manual one!

Taylor said...

I so agree! I had a cheap pump and it was a nightmare! I really wish I had a good one eary on. My supply could have been so much better.

Becky said...

I still have my old Medela Pump in Style (it's a double electric) from child number 1. I never even used it with child number 2. Do you think I could sell it or something? Or would people not buy a used pump?

Katie said...

You are so right about the electric pump! I registered for a hand held and it was a total pain to use. It did the job and since I was and am a SAHM I very rarely needed to pump so I couldn't justify buying an electric. But we did rent one for the first two weeks as my milk was slow to come in but I'd also have trouble becoming engorged. I think my body was confused! Anyway, I had no idea how nice the electric one was until the first time I had to use the manual one and yes you do get way less out.

Elaine Brown said...

We are expecting our first and would love to have a good quality pump on hand. Thanks for the post.

Anonymous said...

I need a new pump for my next baby and I have my eye on the electronic Breastpump. Thanks!!