Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Meet J.

"J." is my husband. He was born in Spencer Iowa, but has lived in Texas most of his life. He went to private school and wore uniforms which may explain his shopping tendencies as an adult. When he finds something he likes he thinks he needs 3 or 4 of that item. Here are a couple examples…
Exhibit A:

His closet is organized by color. He came up with the system, but for the record I am the one that puts all of his clothes away. He has 5 black button down shirts, 8 white ones, 3 light blue ones, 5 with vertical blue stripes, and you get the point.

Exhibit B:

He has worn Chuck Taylors for I don’t know how long. Here is his oldest existing pair, next to an old pair that he keeps on hand just in case, and a back up pair that he hasn’t worn yet. Not to mention the ones he is wearing right now.

His sense of style was one of the first things I noticed about him, but his sensitive heart is actually what made me fall in love with him.

J and I have been married for 8 years now, to read about that story go to The Messy Mom: How I Met My Other Half
We waited almost 7 years before we had our son.

J was at every single one of my prenatal appointments. He was the one that handed me our son when he was born, he also cut the umbilical cord, and was by my side the entire night when we became parents. J loves being a dad. He wants to have several more boys and a girl too. I try to remind him that you don’t get to decide the gender, and that I am not a baby factory, but we’ll see what God has planned.

J is currently on Staff at our church where he leads worship. He stays busy, but his family is his main priority. To sum it all up J is quirky, stubborn, opinionated, unpredictable, and in so many ways my exact opposite. He is also the best and most loyal friend anyone could ask for, he is giving, and compassionate. I could not love him any more.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

What a sweet tribute to your husband! I bet he loves reading this!

Zion said...

Well, he doesn't typically read my blog, which can be a good thing, but maybe I should send him a ling to this one.

hannah said...

whoah, the chuck taylor thing is really quircky! i never would've guessed he does that. :)

Michele R said...

What a sweet, sweet, cute family. I love the preg photo! I too am not sure how to name anyone in my family. I asked my husband about photos and he'd rather I didn't post any of him. Party pooper. But I could since he doesn't read my blog.....