Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another Lucky Moment

So far this week I have shared about winning a blog contest, winning a pet mouse, and winning movie tickets from, however sometimes luck has nothing to do winning something. For example a couple months ago I was driving along when a cop comes from out of nowhere and pulls me over. I had just gotten a ticket back in August. I can't take defensive driving again, and it would be forced to go on my record. I panicked. I was so shaken up by the incident that when the officer approached my vehicle I couldn't figure out how to get my power windows down and I just kept locking and unlocking my doors while he stood there waiting.

He took my license and proof insurance back to his car and I just laid my head down on the steering wheel moaning. It seemed like he was taking a long time. I thought for sure I was doomed. When he came back to my car he asked me if I knew *Ms.Bentley? I smiled and said yes, but I was mostly just confused. Then he said "Well, she says hi. Have good day." and he left without issuing me a ticket. It turns out an old friend of mine now works as a 911 operator and she recognized my name when the officer called in the citation. So she pulled some strings and got me off the hook. I was so relieved. I told my husband what happened and how we needed to really pay attention to our speed because obviously the city is cracking down on drivers right now. He agreed and then got pulled over the next day! He can't say I didn't warn him.

*Names have been changed to protect all parties involved.


Michele R said...

That is hysterical! I got pulled over for not having a my registration sticker on license plate. It was in my glove compartment for 4 months instead. Got no ticket.

Becky said...

Wow, that IS lucky! I am sure you deserved it!