Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Blingo Winner

Since it's St. Patrick's day I am talking about luck this week and I am giving my readers a chance to get lucky with my first messy mom giveaway. If you haven’t already entered to win the $10 Amazon Gift card it’s not too late,
(The Messy Mom: WIN A $10 Amazon Gift Card)

If you like winning without spending you might want to consider checking out Blingo.com

It’s a search engine just like Google only they give out random prizes all day long. I can verify that this is a legit site because I actually won something. It's as simple as filling out your email address and a password, and it’s completely spam free. I got 2 free movie tickets and my husband and I had a nice night out courtesy of Blingo. They do offer larger prizes like ipods and cars. I am sure that your chances of winning those prizes are much smaller, but you never know it could be your lucky day.

This blog post is a part of Works for Me Wednesday over at "We are THAT family"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cool search engine and a lot of fun to win. I will be sure to check it out.