Monday, March 2, 2009

One of "those" weeks

Have you ever had one of those weeks where it was just one thing after another? The kind of week that is too intense and complicated to say what is really going on so you just describe it with vague phrases like, “one of those weeks”, or “one thing after another”.

That is how this past week was for me. Some of it was no big deal at all, but as each day passed it just got progressively worse. If you don’t mind I am going to spend this week venting about it. Some of the stuff that happened to me is quite funny and some is heavy, but either way I will try to resist the urge to turn this into a grumblelog (a word I made up that stands for grumble blog). In contrast to that I am hoping things go better for me this week, and I hope all of you have an awesome week too, if not you can feel free to vent to me about it.

1 comment:

Chuck & Chels said...

sorry you had one of those weeks!! hope this one is MUCH better!