Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break WOo h0O

We have now entered the official spring equinox and here in Texas there are some tell tale signs that a new season is upon us. The blue bonnets are just now starting to pop up along the freeway and my arch-nemesis, the ants, have started popping up around my house. While for many people this new season means Spring break, vacations, fun, and relaxation. I am at that in between stage in my life where I am no longer in school and I don't have school age children so there is no such thing as spring break. That's not to say that I won't be having any fun around here. It's time for spring cleaning and we all know what a blast that is.

Okay, so maybe it's not my idea of a good time, but I will definitely feel a lot better having dealt with the details of housework that so often go overlooked. I looked at some official spring cleaner checklists, but they didn't really work for me. Here are just a few examples from one of these lists:
Shine Silver
Scrub Patio furniture
Clean Chandeliers
I don't have any of these items so I guess that would be check, check, and check. At this rate I will be done in no time. That would be nice, but instead I have customized my own list to tend to what I know are the neglected areas of my home or personal belongings. For instance, all the trim in the house, the sock drawer, my purse and detailing the cars interior and kitchen appliances.
Now then, let's grab our yellow rubber gloves and spring into action.

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