Monday, March 30, 2009

Mom Appeal

I remember the days when being single was all the rage. Shows like Sex and the City and Friends exemplified this free wheeling childless lifestyle. Even the shows that did involve marriage or children still centered around the male lead, such as Everybody Loves Raymond. These days it seems like the pendelum has swung, and shows focused on the suburban mom are starting to be more typical, like Desperate Housewives, or In the Motherhood which premiered last week. All of sudden housewives and mothers are in vogue.

On top of the latest mom centered sitcoms are all the reality shows where the more kids there are, the more fascinating it gets. Take John and Kate Plus Eight for example, or there is a show that I have never seen called 18 Kids and Counting. The name keeps on changing because obviously they are “still counting”

Then there are the tabloid babies like Brad and Angelina’s clan and has anyone ever heard of the octomom? Yeah, I know you can’t escape her, and I told myself that this blog would be a safe place for people to come and be free of any mention of this woman, but I just broke my own rule.

So there you have it, moms, children, and babies taking the media by storm. However, for a lot of women life as mom doesn’t match up with what our TVs makes it out to be. There are those of us who are just regular moms, we aren’t having an affair with the gardener, and we have children that can be counted on one hand, or in my case, one finger. Although that certainly doesn’t mean there is any shortage of dramatic material.

So that is my topic this week. My own little reality series about being a real mom, and a messy mom, or sometimes a really messy mom.

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