Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sorting All Sorts of Things

Continuing on with the spring cleaning I have started sorting a lot of the junk that has accumulated in random places over time. We have a hutch that was given to us and it doesn't really serve too much of a purpose other than a catch all for things that don't have a place. Instead of a junk draw their is a whole piece of furniture dedicated to our paraphernalia. Until recently it was a mystery what was held in the deepest confines of the Hutch. If anyone watched season 1 of Lost there was a big cliff hanger at the end and every one was dying to know "WHAT'S IN THE HATCH?" That's kind of how this was for me except it was "WHAT'S IN THE HUTCH?" All of that is officially organized as well as my purse and our household socks.

I have been meaning to clean out my purse for a long time so I dumped it all on the table and threw away one receipt after the other, consolidated some of my make up, and realized that I didn't need 3 tubes of chap stick. This is what was in my purse before

And here is what I narrowed it down to.

Notice the missing keys. I can't imagine where they could be?

Next up is our stash of socks and we have a lot. I ran out of room in my closet so we consolidated all of our socks to one place and categorized them by color. We have used this system for 5 years now and it is one of the more organized aspects of our life. However, I can't remember the last time I went through and got rid of the old or mismatched socks so it was high time. Here is the bin after it's been reorganized

and here are the 39 individual socks that I am retiring as of today.

Ah, I feel so much lighter.


Anonymous said...

I think your going to need some more interesting socks. You know not just white or black. That's my creative side coming out :)

Anonymous said...

maybe you can make a sock blanket out of all those individuals, :D

Becky said...

Wow, 39 orphaned socks! I would be so tempted to make some mismatched pairs. For wearing with boots, doncha know!

Great job on your organization!