Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: Miniature Bride Wars

When you choose your flower girl and ring bearer you should anticipate that they will be the comedy portion of your ceremony. Sometimes, they are just precious little angels for everyone to dote on while they delicately approach the alter, but don’t count on it. It usually involves, crying, running, or even injuries. I have seen it all, but my favorite flower girl moment was from a little girl who was thrilled about her role in this wedding. She knew exactly what to do and she was proud to fill the position with grace and poise. That is until she found out that she would have to share the spotlight with another flower girl. The moment the 2nd flower girl showed up she burst into tears pointing and screaming “SHE STOLE MY JOB!” It was a level 10 melt down. Everyone tried to console her and told her she was still the flower girl, but that this other girl was going to help. Eventually the bitterness subsided. The girls did a great job and by the reception they were best friends. All I have to say is, don’t worry little flower girl, someday you will be a bride and that will be the one time you have the spotlight all to yourself.

1 comment:

Michele R said...

When I got married and for many, many years later I was not into kids. My husband to be was from a large family, but I chose to not have any flower girls or ring bearers. Then years later I decided to have kids and had 3 of them. His family still talks about how I was never going to have kids and then turned into a birthin mama.