Saturday, March 7, 2009

What Now?

This week I have vented about all the bad things that happened to me last week. I have asked the question "why me?" "Why did a bird have to fly into my head?" or "Out of all the cars on the block why was mine the only one to get broken into?"

Sometimes you just need to feel sorry for yourself. Then there comes a point when you stop asking "why me?" and start asking "what now?" It's been a week since all those things happened and almost all of it has already been dealt with.

My husband removed the planet sized bushes from the front of our house, so we should not be getting into any more brawls with the birds. I have another pair of sunglasses so I don’t miss those cheap ones that were broken on Tuesday. Z has new glasses which were covered under the warranty. I have a new ipod which was also covered under warranty. My car window has been replaced. It makes me realize how dirty my other ones are. One time I thought maybe the window was rolled down, but then I remembered that it is a new window and that windows are supposed to be clear.

Unfortunately insurance didn't help one bit with any of the robbery, we were just shy of the deductible which is on a case by case basis. My current plan is to replace the stolen GPS and camera as soon as I can afford it. I have other cameras, but I loved the GPS that I affectionately called Nyobi. Here is a quote from a blog post that I wrote back in November
"GPS has changed my life and my marriage. Thank you Nyobi, thank you."

Sometimes you don't know what you've got until it's gone, and other times you know what you've got and then it's gone, and it still hurts. So what do I do now?

I have been trying to get around with google map print outs and it hasn't been going so well. Yesterday I ended up in a field out in the country. Luckily there was someone out there and I asked where I was? She said that this field used to be a road and I should be able to drive right through although there is a ditch, but she thought I could clear it with my vehicle and said the tractors manage just fine.

So I did, it was quite an adventure. I even got out to take this picture. When I made it to my destination I asked, "how do I get out of here, because I've been driving off road" The man looked at me like I was one crazy lady. What can I say? I am just trying to roll with the punches.


Michele R said...

Sorry to hear about the car break in. I have had that happen to me and I had left my purse on the front seat! All I had cash-wise was $15 but had to cancel cards, etc. My husband had a camera and cell phone stolen from a relative's car that was broken into.

{amy} said...

Oh my! I'm sorry your week was so crazy, but I'm glad you're able to put it all into perspective. And, of course, I'm glad you've been able to replace most things. When you get a new GPS, will you name it after Nyobi? :)