Saturday, January 24, 2009

Discovering Music

One of the most incredible parts of being a mom is the joy of seeing your child discover and experience something for the first time. While talking about music this week I began to think of my 1 year old son and how he seems to already take after his father and I when it comes to being passionate about music.

I remember being 8 months pregnant and going to a Delirious concert. The sound and energy in that auditorium was so strong that my baby boy was just kicking away to the rhythm of the music the entire time. I will never forget it.

As soon as he could sit up he would bob his head to whatever song would be playing. You don't have to teach a baby to dance it's just something that is inherently in them. Often times they can't even talk or walk yet, but boy do they know how to bounce when there is a good beat going.

Then there is the age old scenario of a toddler that pulls all the pots and pans out of the cabinets just to clank them together and make their own imaginary symphony.

One of my favorite moments in motherhood was hearing my son sing for the first time. It was just a little melody he made up, there were no intelligible words, but to me it topped the charts.

Maybe that is why I like music so much, because it comes so naturally. You don't have to understand it to appreciate it. It's not like an acquired taste or something that you grow into. Babies respond to music they hear in the womb before they are even born. From the earliest stages of life all the way through to the end music is a part of us, and when you find the right fit, it just feels good.

Photos From Top To Bottom:
My pregnancy with Z at 36 weeks
Z at our piano, 6 months old
Z on the drums at Iron Wing Studios
Video of Z and his "Gu-tar"

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