Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolution Reversed: Conclusion

I should title this blog, Conclusions, Confessions, and Continuation. A couple of months ago I purposed a New Year's Resolution Reversed in which I stated 5 goals I wanted to have accomplished by January 1, 2009. I didn't quite go all the way with them, but I have made progress. Here are the 5 items that I originally posted, along with what I accomplished in the past 60 days, and a modified version of the same goals for this year.

1. I want to convert my wedding memories into a digital format

I was able to scan, reprint and back up all my wedding photos, as well as convert the video from VHS to DVD. I have wanted to do this for about 5 years now and I am very happy to be able to check it off my list. I still however have yet to sit down with "the groom" and watch our wedding together. We were going to do it for our anniversary, but it never happened.

This Year's Goal: I would like to watch the DVD with my husband and organize the other photos that we have from our marriage all the way up until 2009.

2. Grow Herbs at Home
I did order an herb garden kit and it is in my kitchen. However, I have yet to even read the instructions.

This year's goal: To actually grow the herbs, cook with them, and come up with new recipes for my family to enjoy.

3. Get a Library Card
I am pleased to announce that I did get a library card and I was very impressed with the facility. I have yet to USE the card (are we starting to see a pattern here?).

This year's goal: Check out books from the Library and I am going to go out a limb here and try to read them as well.

4. Read a book about blogging
I did not do this, but I have a good excuse. I ordered the book and it never came in.

This Year's Goal: Contact the seller and make sure I either get the book, or get a refund.

5. Sell Something on Ebay
My husband and I did get an account and have done minimal research about where to take it from here.

This Year's Goal: Sell Something on Ebay, or get rid of the stuff.

So Round two, here we go. Happy New Year everybody!

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