Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Look Back and Laugh: My Life on My Space

As someone who is NOT very structured, punctual, or organized, I am always searching for new ways to get my act together. At one point I saw that you could have a calendar that was hosted via your myspace account. So I thought maybe that would be just the thing to help me stay on track. I filled out all my plans for the next month and tried to include mundane details like going walking or grocery shopping. The next day when I was looking at my profile I saw my calendar on display for all to see. I was freaking out, I just felt so exposed. I had no idea how to change the settings on it, but eventually I was able to just take the calendar off altogether. Their were a few people that saw it and admitted to thinking it was kind of weird to have my personal life on display for all to see. I still cringe more than laugh when I think about it. It could have been worse though, at least I didn't chart my monthly cycle on there!

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