Friday, January 30, 2009

Does This Layout Make Me Look Fat?

When I first started looking for a background for my blog I was scrolling through and there was a lot of cute, fun stuff to choose from. I felt like I was shopping for new clothes and I got to pick out anything I wanted. Only, much like a trip to the mall my emotions swung from care free to anxiety after too many items just didn’t fit right.

I found a lot of layouts that were really close to what I wanted except for one or two details. I really liked this one, but I am not a big fan of pink, so I figured I would keep looking.

So then I found several more, that were doable, but they had weird messages on them like “RELEASE ME”, “PISCES”, AND “I LOVE MY GIRL”, not exactly the image that I was going for. Then there were some templates that I liked, but they were in other languages so I couldn't even read the instructions to figure out how to download them.

After putting in a quite a bit of time and still turning up short I was getting fed up with the whole idea of a blogger template shopping spree. I switched my layout several times and at one point I accidentally deleted my site altogether. That is why in the end I came full circle back to the pink one. It has splatters and distressed texture that make you think of "messy", but yet it's artistic and trendy, and it allows me to keep my header. After such an exhausting search I can get over the pink.

I really think if I had a choice I would rather go on a shopping spree for clothes. It's a lot less stressful, except at least with blog layouts you don't have to ask, "Does this make me look fat?"


Anonymous said...

Sorry disregard the previous post :)

Anonymous said...

I don't care for the pink either. I understand where you want to go with the "messy" thing, but it clashes with your header which is bright and kinda cheery.

This template leans more of a "Dark War" or "Nazi" kinda messy. Just change the pink to a blood red and you see what I mean. I think you need a "Little Kid Smudgy" kinda messy.


Zion said...

Ha ha, well at least i know what my parents think of it. Dad, you have just been watching too many WW2 films :) I am open to having you redesign the whole thing, you could probably jut spit out all the code in 10 minutes, no template needed. That would be great! You're hired.