Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Headers Make My Head Hurt

As you may know, I am trying to spruce up my blog design this week and it has been no small feat. I want to keep it simple, but unfortunately I seem to specialize in complicated. Last night I worked long and hard to get my page from this

to this...

I struggled for a while trying to figure out how and where to begin. As I mentioned yesterday I was determined to do this all by myself, but truth be told I was in dire need of some assistance.

Turns out the quickest way to get your husband to help is by not asking him for it. I should have known this already, since he usually loves to chime in with a word of advice when I least appreciate it. However, this time I would gladly accept his counsel.

When he saw what I was working on he said he liked the template, but that I needed to add The Messy Mom header. I thought so too, but this template didn't allow for headers.

This prognosis didn't stop him though and he suggested we perform an internal operation. So we cut my blog open and dug deep into the guts of the CCS code in order to transplant my customized logo. It was an extremely LONG process of trial and error, but in the end we felt a sense of accomplishment. I tip my hat to anyone that does web design. You might be thinking, "what's the big deal? It's not brain surgery", but I don't know, it kind of is like brain surgery... for robots.

Now I have just run into another snag, and I might have to do away with this whole template altogether. If I am bald by the end of this week it will be because I have pulled all of my hair out. It's only Tuesday though, and I am not giving up that easy.
We'll see what Day 3 brings.

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