Monday, January 12, 2009

MY 2008

Last week I did my best to highlight some of the newsworthy events of 2008. I talked a little bit about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Michael Phelps, Tina Fey and Sarah Palin, none of which really had any affect on my life this past year. That is why this week I have decided to switch gears and talk about 2008 from a personal perspective. I often get in such a hurry to set new resolutions and to think about all the plans for the new year that I never really take the time to reflect.

We get so busy. Most of the time I keep busy by chasing the baby around all day!
"Don’t turn on that water." "Stay off the table" "No jumping on the couch" "PUT THAT DOWN!"

Then when I stop to think about it this time last year there was no chasing the baby around. He was merely 5 months old, and not even crawling, in January. That’s when it hits you that a lot happens in just one year.

My personal year in review will be entirely different than last week's. There won’t be any Britney Spears contarversies, no reports on the war, just a messy mom and her little family in an old house in Texas. This is where I experience the day to day life as I know it, life as I love it.

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