Thursday, August 14, 2008

In this segment of the messy mom blog I will be featuring a product, store, or restaurant that I couldn’t do without. Everyone has different tastes, but I always like hearing what someone else thinks before trying something. Think of it like Oprah’s Favorite Things, only my items will be cheaper and I won’t be giving anything away. Man, this is starting to sound really lame now. Anyway, feel free to do your own “why I love…” on your blog and post a link on this page in the comments section.

In conjunction with “the restless sleep syndrome” I am going to share,

The Outdoor Bassinet
I have had a lot of new moms ask me “what is the one item that you would recommend as a must have”? Well, for me it was the outdoor bassinet. I know it sounds like the most nonessential item that you could possible buy, but hear me out.
I got mine for free as a hand me down and I had no idea how much I was going to love that thing! When your baby is first born and he or she is not doing too much other than sleeping it is nice to have a bassinet close by to lay them down in. Here are some of the ways that I used mine,

1. A co sleeper- well it isn’t quite the same because they are not connected to the bed, but it’s pretty close.

2. By the dinner table, computer or sofa. You want your newborn with you all the time and it is easy to pull around wherever you are. If you have a two story house you might want to consider where you spend most of your time.

3. For travel. It folds up and you can bring it to grandmas house.

4. By the window to let a newborn with jaundice get some sun, or lay “nudie booty” as I call it and help with diaper rash.

5. I even used it for it’s intended purpose, outdoors for parks, pools or picnics.

Pack n Plays and Strollers are great too, but I prefer this for a tiny baby. It is so much lighter and higher up. It is so easy to set up and drag around.

The Kolcraft Lil Sleeper pictured above retails at around $43.00. However as I mentioned before I got mine used and I just recently saw a Kolcraft tender vibes retailed at $69.99 go for $10.00 at a yard sale and it was practically new so always be on the look out.

However as I mentioned before I got mine used and I just recently saw a Kolcraft tender vibes show below retailed at $69.99 go for $10.00 at a yard sale and it was practically new so always be on the look out.

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