Monday, August 11, 2008

The Restless Night Syndrome

I think every mom has dealt with the insurmountable challenge of getting a good night sleep after having a baby. Of course the first few months it is just a fact, your newborn needs to be fed around the clock, but you can rest assured that some day, some time in the future relief will come. For me that day was January 23rd 2008. After 5 months of sleep deprivation (much, much longer if you include pregnancy) my son finally slept through the night. I just wanted to shout it from the rooftops. I was elated! Nothing could stop me now! Things were going well until around 8 months when my baby started to become more and more attached to me and add to that his newfound ability to stand up in his crib. One thing led to another and before I knew it he was waking up every few hours, sleeping with us, and nursing through the night all over again. Now that he is about to be a year old I am ready to make some changes. I am not anti co sleeping, but to quote the infinite wisdom of Dr. Sears “if you resent it, change it”. Or then there is the Dr. Phil line “how’s that working for you?” Well, resentment is a strong word, but it is right around the corner, and our sleeping arrangements are NOT working for my husband, our baby, or me. It seems that none of us are really getting a good nights rest in our modestly sized bed. I have done a lot of research and I have decided to take action. I don’t know what the outcome will be, but you are welcome to follow up and read more about our dilemma each day this week as I take on “THE RESLES NIGHT SYNDROME”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! WE have a king sized bed and all 4 of us usually end up in it. Peyton is 4 mind you. My theroy is one day both girls will be telling us to butt out so why not let them cuddle every second they want to. But before we got the big bed, Peyton got in ours everynight and it was MISERABLE! I feel you =)