Saturday, August 9, 2008

Money Saving Mom

If you haven’t already been, you need to check out money saving mom. My friend Jen is a fanatic and she got me started a couple months ago. Today makes exactly 2 months that I’ve been doing this whole thing, although it feels like much longer. I will be writing about special offers, coupons, dumpster diving and more in future entries. For now let me just share a little bit of my testimony.

I had never really clipped coupons up until now. I guess if a store had a coupon available for you to tear off right next to the product I wouldn’t be opposed to taking one, but that’s about it. However, since I started visiting money saving mom I usually buy two papers every Sunday JUST for the coupons. To me CVS is hands down the best resource for getting great deals. In the past 2 months I have received over $700 worth of great products from CVS alone and paid nothing for them. That's right ABSOLUTELY FREE. The only out of pocket cash that I have spent is about $30 the first week when I was learning and getting the ball rolling and I spend about $5.00 a week now. All of that money goes towards things I would have bought anyway, and probably paid much more for.

If you are reading this you are probably thinking one of two things
1.Is this some kind of pyramid scheme? She sounds like an infomercial, what is her pay off?
2. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve been on board for years now, what took YOU so long.

The truth is there is nothing in it for me, but because of the blessing it has been to my family I want to get the word out to everyone I know. To get started go to

I recommend the section called CVS 101

Check out these photos of just SOME of the items I have gotten for FREE in the past 8 weeks.

1 comment:

Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

Wooohooo!! I love shopping now. Isn't it awesome. I used to hate shopping before I learned how to do this. Now it's fun, cause I get a bunch of stuff and barely spend anything.