Monday, August 11, 2008

Restless Night Syndrome (my first vlog)

If you are just joining us catch up by reading the previous post.

Here is a synopsis of our first evening with The Crib experiment.

1. Bath
2. PJ's
3. A bedtime story
4. A bedtime prayer
5. Ending with rocking and singing

He actually stayed asleep when I laid him in his crib, this was the first victory. The crib is so low it is hard for me to lower him over the rail and keep him asleep. He usually wakes up and starts screaming.

He stayed asleep for 3 hours before he woke up crying. I went in nursed him and was able to return him to his crib soundly. This was VICTORY #2!

He woke up 4 hours later and I knew he needed more than 7 hours of sleep, so I repeated the protocol and lowered him into his crib. Just as I was about to leave the room he woke up started screaming and I could not console him. I bunkered down on the floor next to him to let him cry it out.

He resisted sleep for another 30 minutes, but after that he was out for 2 more hours allowing him to wake up somewhat refreshed and the rest of the day went well.

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