Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Look Back and Laugh at my parents dating

I wasn’t around for this one, but it’s still a cute story of a blossoming relationship. My parents, Richard and Nancy, were in their late teens when cupid struck. These days kids might, send a text or get an itunes gift card to express they’re deepest emotions to each other, but this was the 70’s and Nancy was sewing a shirt for Richard as a token of her affection. She bought special fabric with a classy duck pattern on it and spent hours double checking each measurement. She had sewn a lot of things before, but this time was different. She took extra special care to ensure that he would be impressed.

He was, he was thrilled! He tried it on right away and when he came out to model his new threads Nancy gasped. It fit great, but the print was upside down. She paid so much attention to every little detail she missed the fact that the ducks were flying upside down! Nancy broke down in tears, but Richard consoled her saying, “I think it’s perfect, they are all right side up when I look at them” which was true. It’s been over 30 years and they are still together to this day. So when life seems upside down just remember, it’s all how you look at it.

1 comment:

Chuck & Chels said...

oh cute! that is something i would do!