Friday, November 21, 2008

TIVO, HDTV, and Smart Phones

This week in talking about the technology that has shaped our culture over the last ten years I have mentioned, SMS, GPS, MP3, and DIGITAL CAMERAS. Why then am I lumping TIVO, HDTV and smart phones all into one category? What could these three things possibly have in common?

While these are all things that have played an important role in the technological advancements of past 10 years, they are also all things I personally have never owned. Okay, I am stretching this a little bit because my husband has an iPhone, but I don’t use it. In fact I inherited his old Motorola razor and that was actually a big upgrade for me.

Let’s start with the TIVO which premiered in 1999, but since then has resulted in the vast array of TV recorders today known as DVR’s. Since my husband and I have never had cable or satellite we have definitely never owned a DVR. There are times though, like last night when we were away at 8:00 and missed The Office, that I wish we had one. Although, we can watch The Office online today. I am probably one of those that if I had it I would say I couldn't live without it, and yet here I am proving myself wrong.

Then there is HDTV, which has to be one of the most significant changes in technology in the past 10 years considering it will be effecting everyone this February when all TV broadcasts will be switching to digital. This is another topic of which I am not qualified to talk about, because we still have rabbit ears and are considering forgoing the conversion altogether and just doing a voluntary television fast for a season. I was the one that suggested it, but I would be lying if I said that I don’t drool over plasma screens and eventually we hope to have one mounted above our fireplace.

Lastly, the smart phone, which is a phone that can do a bazillion things in addition to making and receiving calls. I think that pretty much sums up the ever so popular BlackBerry and iPhone. Yes, I want a smart phone, but it is the additional costs added to my monthly bill that keep me quite content to continue using my “stupid” phone for none other than the practical purpose of making and receiving phone calls.

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