Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This week I am talking about how motherhood has changed me.

The first and most obvious thing that has changed about me since being a mom is the mystery of knowing what it is like to be a mother. I know that sounds silly, but it is true. When I was younger, probably around 12 years old, I remember riding home from school one day with my mom and watching her drive in silence. I began to wonder what she could be thinking about, if my memory serves me correctly my mental dialogue went something like this…

“What could she be thinking about right now? She is just a mom, she doesn’t have homework or tests to worry about, she doesn’t think about boys or what she is going to be when she grows up. She must have absolutely nothing to think about.”

I know how ridiculous that sounds as an adult, but at the time I felt that after school and marriage your life would be a bore and there would be nothing left to think about or pursue. Now I know differently.

I also used to wonder if moms were offended if I compared my dog to a child. For example I might be inclined to say something like

“I totally understand, it is hard to be consistent disciplining my dog whenever sometimes I just feel like letting him bark all he wants because I am tired of dealing with it.”
Now that I am a mom I can compare animals to children guilt free!

I am also way more sympathetic now. Before I was a mom I would never offer help to a mother that I didn’t know because that would be intrusive and I might be imply that she was incapable. Now I feel differently. The other day I was in the check out line and a woman was struggling with a stubborn toddler wanting to get out of the shopping cart. I unloaded her groceries for her, and told her not to worry about it, because I know that I would appreciate someone helping me in that situation.

I know not all women without children are as naive as I was. I still don't know all the mysterious of motherhood, but definitely a little more understanding.

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