Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Call of Coupons: Band of Sisters

You may feel like you are fighting a loosing battle when it comes to all of your household expenses. Or maybe you’ve tried clipping coupons and after getting nowhere decided to wave the little white flag and say I give up! Well, before you do that let me give you some reassuring news. You don’t have to do it alone. There is a band of sisters working hard to ensure that no woman is left behind.

I am talking about websites designed to teach you EVERYTHING you could possibly need to know in order to be successful in using your coupons. If I tried to do this by myself, well it just wouldn’t happen. These websites will show you exactly where the deals are, what coupons you need, and how to go about your transaction. Of course even this aspect of “couponing” can be overwhelming due to the bajillion sites on line dedicated to showing you how to snag some deals.

After doing this for a few months, I may not be the expert, but that just makes me all the more suitable for guiding you to beginner friendly sites. Here are my picks for top 5 coupon related sites.

1. www.moneysavingmom.com
At the top of my list is the site that started it all for me personally. Thanks to a friend that spent months telling me about all the stuff she got for free I went to check it out for myself and now I am hooked. Read my “testimonial" for details.

2. www.thethirftymama.com
She’s a newbie on the scene, but the girl has a knack for spotting great deals, and mapping it all so that it is easy to follow. It is my go to for early CVS scenerios, the best of the printable coupons, and money saving tips of all kinds.

3. www.becentsable.net
There is only one thing I look at when I go to this site and that is the grocery gathering. It is a central place for bloggers to write deals for specific stores. If you are looking for Kroger sales and coupon match ups go to “becentsable” if you are looking for Walgreens go to be centsable. All the major stores are going to be posted on becentsable.

4. www.dealseekingmom.com
This girl is popping up all over the place in the coupon blogging world. I don't know how she does it all with 5 kids, but she does it well. On this site you will find the walmart roundup for the grocery gathering, give aways, freebies, and advice on how to save and make money.

5. www.hotcouponworld.com
To be honest, I don’t even go to the hot coupon world, but from what I hear it is the mecca of coupon resources. This is where all the coupon crazies go to chat it up. They have the adds, they have coupon match ups, and they have it all FIRST. I prefer to have someone else sort it out and give it to my in a childs portion, but if you want to get to the raw meat of it all go to hcw (hot coupon world)


Anonymous said...

I am dying at your blog entries.
I have been checking back all the time to see if you had been posting anything since you started and kept thinking "what a loser, she's only written the Hybrid Yoga one." (not really a loser, but hoping for more). Anyway, to my dismay, you had tons of blogs, but I had bookmarked the "Hyrbid Yoga" one and kept only seeing that!
What a moron I am!
That's what I get for late night reading! HA!

Tara @ Deal Seeking Mom said...

I LOVE the graphic that you came up with!

Anyhow, thanks for the mention. I feel so honored! I just love teaching others how to save, and it always warms my heart to find out that people actually ARE learning from me.

Tara @ Deal Seeking Mom

Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

Thanks so much for the compliments!!! And ditto on the graphic. Got any recommendations for a cool graphic for my site?

Alana Jo said...

Great job on the graphic. Crystal is great, isnt she?