Sunday, September 7, 2008

One Month of Blogging

My son turned one year old and my blog turned one month old. I am excited for both, but the blog will not be geting a party. Just kidding. This whole blogging business so far has been fun and challenging. For the regular readers you may have started to notice somewhat of a pattern, if not let me map it out for you. This is my blogging schedule although it is subject to change at anytime.

Sunday- An original poem by the messy mom herself

Monday- Introduction of the theme for the week. If you have any topics that you would like to see on this site PLEASE share your ideas with me. You can leave a comment or email me at

Tuesday- “Look Back and Laugh” this idea is still a work in progress, but I plan on posting funny/ embarrassing stories weekly and encourage readers to do the same.

Wednesday- On this day I will participate in a “blog carnival” called Works for me wednesday and the other days I will just post helpful advice or ideas.

Thursday- “why I love” which is basically just my personal review of different products that I use.

Friday- Froogie Boogie a blog where I talk about ways to stretch a buck, sometimes this will also be a part of a blog carnival called “Frugal Friday’s”

Saturday- I will post my Super Savings for the week particularly CVS.

Of course I will also be posting regular entries about the topic of the week on any given day. Or I may be blogging about a challenge that I have taken on such as the The Restless Night Syndrome or The Kitchen Chronicles. Oh, and we can't forget the monthly blog about the featured City of the Month .

So you see, there is actually a tiny bit of organization at Knowing me you can always count on randomness too, although I will try to keep from going off topic too often. Thanks for sticking with me this far and stay tuned for this week’s theme, natural childbirth (it’s not as scary as it sounds.)


nancy from ky said...

I like the idea of theme days. Looking forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!! Thanks for commenting on my blog -- about leaking milk!!! :) That was too funny. You've got a great blog going -- I'm going to add it to my bloglines reader.