Monday, September 8, 2008

Natural Child birth; Don't be scared

I mentioned in an earlier blog that I was born at home, naturally, and with a midwife. My mother had three babies all over 9 lbs using that method and had nothing but great things to say about it when I was growing up. Maybe that is why for me natural childbirth came NATURALLY.

To start off let me explain what that actually means. It is quite simple really, much more simple than explaining some of the medical terminology that come with an unnatural childbirth. Basically it just means having a baby the old fashioned way, labor and delivery without drugs or medical intervention. However, it is amazing how something so simple can baffle so many people. It’s understandable though, the method is one that is foreign to our culture. That is why I have chosen to talk about some of the questions and concerns that people may have, debunk some of the myths, and share my side of the story.


Anonymous said...

There is this wonderful documentary, "The business of being born". It is done by Ricky Lake and shows many things on this topic. I suggest any women watch it and I wish I would have before I had both my boys.

Crystal @ The Thrifty Mama said...

I'm an all natural Mama myself. I had my son completely natural in the hospital (we had to be there because of his heart defect), and my daughter was a home birth with a midwife. It's an amazing experience! It's very empowering, and you get a high from it! Nothing like it!