Monday, September 29, 2008


I am out of town this week so I may not be blogging as much, but I still have a new topic to start up and that is CARS! I am no Jay Leno, and I don’t usually think of cars as something that peeks my interest, but they certainly do play a big roll in our lives and so I think they deserve to be blogged about.

I consider cars like music you hear a song like let’s just say My Heart Will Go On by Celine Deon from the Titanic soundtrack. Now all of the sudden your taken back to 1997 and your flooded with memories of where you were and what you were doing when that song was popular. For me cars are the same way, if I saw a teal Chevy Cavelier driving by I would be 18 all over again!

I already talked about the sentimental value of the Vanagon in the messy mom childhood and I mentioned how much it was a part of the family.

I could go on and on about the adventures we had in that thing. When I saw the Trailer for little Miss Sunshine, I immediately thought of our family road trip from Kentucky to California in our old VW.

We had a couple break downs, and we caught a ride with a guy and his family who took the long route to bring us to a hotel because he said “I likes to avoid the police station” that’s not a typo, he said “likes.” It seems crazy now, but that was the best family vacation we’ve ever had. I know I may sound old ladyish, but times were different back then. Seatbelts were rarely considered, in fact the most coveted seat of our sweet ride was we called “the very back.” The very back was really not a seat at all, it was just the trunk area. Second runner up would have to be the front, which these days is also off limits to children. Like I said, it seems crazy now, but it that’s how we rolled and I have to say those times in the VW van beat little miss sunshine any day.

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