Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Look Back and Laugh: at grocery shopping

It's Tuesday and that means it is time for another "look back and laugh" story.

I was making my rounds with my coupons a couple weeks ago and I was in the mood for a milkshake (when am I not?). My next stop was Target and there was a Chic-Fila right there so I went through the drive through and got one. While in the Target parking lot I set my milkshake in the back of the shopping cart so that I could get my baby out of the car and get all my coupons in order. My Target has a cafe' and a Starbuck's in it, so I assumed no would mind me having the shake in the store. Well, this might have been the case, other than the fact that I forgot I had it in the cart. So I am strolling along and when I look back behind me there is a trail of milk shake from the front door leading all the way across the store pointing to the culprit- ME! I was mortified. I mean, I know I am "the MESSY mom", but I normally don't sabotage other peoples property! The shake was runny enough to drip further than I could have ever imagined. Luckily I was near the customer service desk and I pleaded my case to the boy behind the counter like a crook to a judge "I am sooo Sorry! I spilled my milk shake. Oh oh my goodness! Please forgive me. Do you have any paper towels, I will drop to my knees right now and clean it up. I take full responsibility and vow to never bring in outside food or drink again!" Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that bad, but close. Luckily the boy could see it from were he was. He was extremely gracious and told me it was no trouble at all and they just appreciate it when they are informed of spills. I learned my lesson. That dang sweet tooth, it'll get you every time!

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