Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why I Love: Earth Mama Angel Baby

natural pregnancy gift basket

I got some of the earth mama angel baby products from a dear friend when I was pregnant with my son. I was instantly in love with the pure, fresh, pampering products. Since we are talking about having a successful natural birth this week I couldn't help but plug the Labor Ease Kit.

Labor Ease Gift Kit

It comes with four products to help aid in the laboring process. The package includes natural stretch oil, which can be used for perineal massage before and during labor. It also comes with organic lip balm, a hot spot labor sock to apply pressure to achy areas, and lastly a labor companion CD. I do have a few disclaimers before you hop on over to the website. All the products are all natural, and SO ARE THE PHOTOS. The images on the products are very artistic. If breastfeeding or bare bellies offend you, you may want to forgo this one. Also, the labor ease CD is pretty "new agey". It reminds me a lot of hybrid yoga. I will say though, I practiced my relaxation techniques weeks before giving birth and I would play the CD and fall asleep every time (as a Christian I believe in meditating through prayer and the word of God and I would implement that into my relaxation time.) Relaxation is an art and it is a key component of natural childbirth. I never realized that in a sense it does take work to relax. I know it may sound contradicting, but it is true and Earth Mama Angel baby has lots of tools to help that relaxation happen. Among the labor ease kit I have also tried the third trimester tea, the stretch mark oil, and the diaper rash soap. All of their products are %100 certified organic, they are effective, they smell fabulous, they make great gifts, and they pamper you and your baby all over- that is why I love Earth Mama Angel Baby.

This where I usually post about how I am not affiliated with the products featured above, however in researching the company to write this blog I found an option to become an affiliate of earth mama angel baby so today I decided to partner up with them. If you decided to order something by clicking on a link from this site I would be thrilled. However, my intentions are to share about products that I love and did not write this for any other reason. You do not have to order through me and that is fine too. The products are also available at many health food stores such as Whole Foods. Check out for a store near you. The website also has a printable birth plan and if you read my last blog you know how I feel about those!

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