Saturday, September 20, 2008

Call of Coupons: Closing Thoughts

This week we compared the act of using coupons to the Call of Duty war game. It has been a lot of fun looking at how to score the best deals and get free stuff. If you want to get caught up you can start by reading The Call of Coupons.

Here are just a couple last things I would like to squeeze in before I close this series.

You are going to accumulate a lot of STUFF if you decide to jump on the free/'money maker" deals that are out there. The possibilities are endless on what to do with the extra items. Here are some of the things that I have done with some of my loot

Give products in exchange for babysitting or as a thank you for other services
Give items to local charities
Ship the items to soldiers or missionaries over seas
Sell your over stock at a yard sale (I made over $100 by doing this)
Use lotions, baby products, candles etc. in gift baskets

I should also mention one of the most important components in all of this is that it works for you personally. You can use coupons at any level. For some people it is a full time job and they catch every deal and save thousands of dollars, while others clip a couple coupons out of the paper and that is their limit. It's like singing, you can sing in the shower, you can do solos at church, or you can have 5 grammy's and make millions as a solo artist. I am in no way the Mariah Carey of coupons, nor do I want to be. However I hope these ideas can help you to achieve whatever level it is you decide you want to take it to.

Lastly, as if this were an awards ceremony, I would like to thank my husband for coming up with the "Call of Coupons" image for the week. He was the inspiration behind this, being that he loves to play Call of Duty. He humbly embraced the parody and took the time to help with this logo that was an alteration of the Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare artwork. Thanks for being a part of the "Call of Coupons" and as for all my fellow comrades out in the trenches, fighting in this war against high prices, I salute you!

the original

the "real" modern warfare

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