Monday, September 29, 2008

Look Back and Laugh: at the gas pump

I think we could all agree that gas prices right now are not much of a laughing matter. In part I blame Exxonmobile the Goliath of the oil industry. However, my husband insists it is the best thing to fill our tanks with and gave me a speed pass to add to my key chain.

He told me I should be able to wave it at the pump and my purchase would be charged to our account. Sounds simple, so I go to the Exxon station and try waving my key ring up toward the credit card slot. Nothing happened. So I start scanning up and down at the pump, still nothing. Now I am starting to get frustrated, but I am not a quitter, I can figure this out! I then begin waving it in the air as if trying to pick up some kind of signal when a voice comes over the intercom "Ma'am, we do not accept speed pass here."

Oh yeah, they were talking to me, the crazy lady swinging her keys all around up and down like a crazy person. Oh well, you live and learn. Or in my case you just NEVER attempt to use the speed pass EVER again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO This sounds so much like me I think you're my twin :) So funny