Friday, September 26, 2008

LOST Terry O'quinn

I mentioned in The TV Challenge how much I have become wrapped up in the show LOST. What started as my husband and I renting the DVD from Netflix gradually turned into me, my husband, and eight friends, all piled in the living room, watching on the edge of our seats, one episode after the other into the wee hours of the morning.

I mentioned this obsession to my aunt and uncle when we were visiting them out in California and turns out they go way back with Terry O’Quinn (John Locke, one of the main characters on LOST) and are still good friends. My aunt told me that next time she talked to Terry she would see if she could get me a souvenir or something.

A month or so later I get a manila envelope in the mail hand addressed to me with a return address from Hawaii. I was perplexed as to who would be sending me something from Hawaii. I opened it to discover this...
"To Natalie, with best wishes. I remember Waxahachie, Places In the Heart, 1983. All the best to you Natalie. Terry O'Quinn- LOCKE"

I was so excited about that photo. I ran around the house screaming like a 13 year old girl at a Jonas Brother's concert. When my aunt talked to Terry she just asked if she could get something to give to me, and he volunteered to send something himself. When she gave him my address she started to spell Waxahachie, and he said, "Oh, I know how to spell Waxahachie" because he was in a movie that was filmed here. Since then Terry O'Quinn has managed to have a character stay alive on LOST, which if you watch the show, that is a feat in and of itself. He also won an Emmy last year for his role as John Locke. I think this video of his acceptance speech just goes to show what a warm hearted down to earth guy he is.

The again Aunt Beth, and Terry!

1 comment:

Staceemaree said...

OMG. I am on the verge of running around screaming like I did when I was 16 at the Duran Duran concert...on your behalf. How totally awesome is that!! Locke was one of my absolute favorite characters (with Hurley and Sayeed). You lucky lucky ducky. Can you smell my jealousy?