Saturday, September 20, 2008

Call of Coupons: Shell Shock

Shell shock or battle fatigue, is a formerly used military term that was used to categorize a range of behaviors resulting from the stress of battle which decrease a soldier's fighting efficiency. The most common symptoms are fatigue, indecision, disconnection from one's surroundings, and inability to prioritize.

Does any of this sound like something you've dealt with? I know that for me the first couple of times I tried to get in on the coupon thing I was completely discouraged. From cranky cashiers to miscalculated transactions I was ready to give up from the get go. This was my first experience of coupon shell shock. Sometimes you can beat yourself up over what feels like a failed shopping trip. Whether it be going over budget or finding that the items that you were going to get are all sold out, it can just make your whole day feel like a flop and that isn't fun, or fulfilling at all.

The other problem with the "Call of Coupons" is that it can be a little addicting (kind of like the call of duty game!). The more you focus all your energy on clipping coupons, searching for the best scenerio, and making sure you hit all the sales it can take over your life and become an obsession. I found my mind wandering in church or in conversations...
"so if I buy the lipstick and use a $2 off, plus $3 ECB's, minus a $2 off $10 and add a couple fillers, blah- blah- blah!" I knew my priorities were out of whack! I had to step back and really revaluate why I was doing this and how much of my time and brain power I want to invest in it. That was my second run in with coupon shell shock.

Here are some ways to prevent both of these situations from happening and keep the "call of coupons" as a fun way to save money and help your family and others by supplying basic household items.

First of all don't beat yourself up if you don't get the outcome that you originally intended. This happens, we need to keep things in perspective it is a shopping trip not a life or death situation. Also, if you are going through shell shock as a beginner like I was give it time. You will catch on. Crystal from Money Saving Mom says to stick with CVS shopping for 3 months before giving up. It just takes time to find your rhythm and how to make it work for you. Don't start out too fast just keep it simple and gradually work your way towards more complicated transactions.

Secondly, make sure you are not running yourself ragged. This is supposed to be something that is a blessing to you and your family if it isn't then you can quit. If your kids are worn out from always going, going, going from one store to the next and you are finding less time for friends and family then you know something is wrong. You don't feel like your life is in balance. Remind yourself why you are doing this and give yourself permission to miss a sale or not buy the newspaper that week. So many people say that they are buying all of these surplus items so that they can donate them to a battered women's shelter which is great, but believe me the women's shelter will be fine if you aren't able to get 12 bottles of Herbel Essence. Give yourself a break.

We can all make idols out of anything that we focus the majority of our thoughts and energy on. Avoid Shell Shock by keeping coupons as a beneficial activity and not something that steers your emotions, your thoughts, and your life.

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