Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Look Back and Laugh: At TV

I will never forget the time I heard a news reporter say the “P” word. It was last November and I had the TV going in the background, but I wasn’t paying too much attention. The crew was signing off, you know at the end when they loosen up and just start making small talk amongst each other, then I heard one of the male reporters say, “It’s just not officially the holidays until there is a penis showing.” WHAT!? My jaw dropped and I wished that I had tivo so that I could rewind, but I just stood there thinking about how that comment could be appropriate and what on earth he could be referring to. Of course as it turns out I did here him wrong. I realized what I believe the reporter was saying when good ole Charlie Brown aired on the same network later that evening. ‘Ooooh’, I said a little embarrassed with my misunderstanding “It’s just not officially the holidays until there is a PEANUTS showing.”

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