Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baby Z's Closet

I am still in search of The Mysterious Missing Shoe. I was thinking that maybe one night while rocking my son I kicked them off in his room and one of them ended up in his closet. It was worth a look, but of course it wasn't that simple. His closet was over flowing with things he is too old/ too big for and so I decided why not tackle another closet project while I am at it. Cleaning out my babies closet was a lot more emotional than my own. Seeing his baby sling, bouncy chair, and tiny clothes, all brought back so many memories. I can't believe how much stuff you can accumulate within a year. We still plan on having more kids though. So it is all stuff that I am hanging on to, but way too much clutter to keep in his closet. It was a big project, but something I have been meaning to work on. Here is a video of me in the midst of it all.

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