Saturday, October 18, 2008

The last day of a BUSY week

Messy Mom Gets Healthy: Day #5

This week has been go, go, go. So my blogging may seem a little out of whack. In fact this will be the first week you will not find my CVS shopping deals. I didn't even go to CVS at all. I was too busy going from store to store hunting down the organic hoopla for all the coking I've been doing. I finally just now posted Friday's "Froogie Boogie" and I also added the photo for Thursday's salmon dinner.

I was out thrifting again yesterday with a friend that was inspired by the thrift show from last week's blog. Then last night a friend of mine who is a chef and a nutrition major helped make dinner, so you will definitely want to check back for all the details of how that went. It's all been fun, but very busy. Today instead of just giving a list of what I ate yesterday and one recipe at the end I am going to give a breakfast, lunch, and dinner recap one at a time, because each meal was worth having it's own recipe and blog post. Mmmm, stay tuned.

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