Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thrift Stores beyond girl clothes...

I have featured a different outfit everyday this week that were previously purchased at the thrift store, but it doesn't stop there. My husband and baby also sport second hand clothing. Here are some of the items we have bought while thrifting in the past few months.

Baby clothes are usually cheap and in better condition. I snagged several Baby Gap, Old Navy, Keneth Cole, and Ralph Lauren outfits for my little guy.

My husband loves vintage western shirts and he also found some long sleeve Banana Republic Tees.

I won't make them model, but I did snag these photos from myspace.

My husband and our dog (this photo was taken for our Christmas card a couple years ago.) He is dressed in a thrift store military jacket, vintage tee shirt, and lacoste shoes, which would usually cost $120, SCORE!

and here is the baby in yet another thrift store find, even the little wooden duck is from the thrift store.

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