Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why I Love: Green Bags

I basically did my product review for the week in my "Works For Me Wednesday" . Since then I have received a lot of questions about this product and thought I would answer them in my weekly "why I love...".

1. What is a Green Bag?
Although there are different brands availble the The DEBBIE MEYER™ Green Bags® are the most popular and those are the kind that I have. The Green Bags are a bag that you would store produce in to help keep it fresher longer.

2. Why would you want that?
If you are like me and you have fresh food spoil because you can't get to fast enough it is nice to have the extra time to avoid waste.

3. How do they work?
The DEBBIE MEYER™ Green Bags® absorb the ethelyne gas that is released by the food, which prevents the gas from staying in the fruit.

4. Where can you find them?
They are sold at Grocery stores and Health food stores nation wide as well as on the The DEBBIE MEYER™ Green Bags® website and even drug stores.

5. Do they really work?
Obviously if I "love" them they do work. The funny thing they have received both good and bad reviews. I think some foods do better than other. You also have to make sure you follow the guidelines for use to optimize your results. Don't mix different kinds of foods in a bag, don't include food with moisture on it, and don't reuse them once they start to smell like the food you have stored in them.

6. How do you reuse them?
You simply rinse the bag out and let it air dry. I have read they last up to approximately 10 uses and then you may want to consider a replacement. I tend to stretch things out, I will replace mine when either they don't work or they look or smell funny.

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