Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How I Cleaned Out My Closet

This week I am talking all about cleaning out my closet.
Let me start by mentioning that this tip is certainly not one that I came up with on my own, it is from the fly lady program. A system designed to help messy people like me clean up their act. There are a lot of special tools, tips, and ideas that are promoted on this website, but a few of them have been extremely instrumental to me.

First of all the timer method. Fly Lady’s motto is “I can do anything for 15 minutes.” It helps you avoid becoming overwhelmed when you look at things in small increments.

For example I could look at my closet (shown above) and just panic thinking it would take me all day or more to get anything done, but if I just allow myself 15 minutes I can feel like this is an obtainable goal.

It ended up taking two 15 minute cleaning sessions, both of which I spent around 15 minutes putting everything away (a VERY crucial part of the process I might add). So, about an hour. It is not perfect, but that is another thing that people like me have to watch out for. “The All or Nothing Mentality”, as I like to put it, which means since you can’t do it all you end up doing nothing. Being a perfectionist only makes matters worse.

The second Fly Lady tip I used to get the job done is “Throw Away, Give Away, or Put Away” boxes. You take 3 bins, one of which is lined with a trash bag, and as you sort through your disaster area you have 3 options; it is either trash, donation, or you have a specific place that you can keep the item.

In the end I threw a lot of stuff away. I realized I didn’t need to hang onto all of those shopping bags and I found a bottle of eye drops that expired in 1993 (which is crazy because I was eleven and I have moved 4 times since then?!) I also have a box that I have a local charity scheduled to pick up this week. The rest I put away, I even grabbed an old shelf that wasn't being used and look at the difference.

You can actually see the floor. That’s one less thing on my to do list. Let’s see … now I only have 3 more closets that I need to get to, I better sign off.

For more works for me wednesday go to


Shell in your Pocket said...

This is something I need to closet!! I love flylady..I have taken many of her suggestions and use them!!!

fun blog!
-Sandy Toes

Brooke said...

i've got my "give away" box right next to my closet as i'm moving stuff in! :)

Angela said...

Yes! Yes! Pictures of our messiness!!! The closet looks awesome... with cute shoes to boot. (Ha, ha. I love puns.)

Kama said...

I just moved into my house and now I need to clean out my closet(s). Thanks for sharing the 15 minute method. I think I'll have to do that in the near future!

Jodi said...

good for you - I/we so need to get on this! our closet has gotten so disorganized that it's largely unusable at the moment...definitely needs to be tamed!

thanks for the encouragement!

Kristin - The Goat said...

Excellent!! One of my favorite things is a nice clean closet. Only 2 - 15 min sessions - WOW you are fast!!

I have a flylady tip today too.

Come by my place today to see how you can Cruise through the Holidays, in my WFMW.
Have a Great Day!

Becky said...

Nice job! I love flylady. And boy do I need to work on my closet. And everywhere in my bedroom that my closet has spilled over.