Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Look Back and Laugh: Halloween Costumes

Halloween was not a big holiday in my conservative christian upbringing, but we did dress up for Church Carnivals and we even went trick-or-treating a couple times. Our costumes were very low budget, or should I say "creative." One year I was supposed to be a Hershey Kiss. It was pretty much a spur of the moment idea. I was wrapped in layers of aluminum foil and had a strip of white poster board on my head that said Hershey Kiss, which fell off almost right away. So I basically roamed the streets covered in aluminum foil being called everything from tin man to recycling bin. I got over it and tried trick-or-treating again a few years later.

This time we really raised the bar with a costume that I thought was blue ribbon worthy. My mom who worked for McDonald's at the time came up with a really great french fries costume. It was a great big red box with foam fries coming out the top and yellow and white stripes on the back just like you would see at McDonald's. Even then, I still was accused of being a carton of cigarettes. Really, what kid would go trick or treating dressed up as cigarettes?

Oh Well. That's why I call it "look back and laugh" it's funny now. Check back later this week to see this years costumes and maybe you can guess what/who I am supposed to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post..! I have to admit that Halloween is definitely my favorite non-Jesus holiday.