Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday, Thrift Store

This week I am talking all about pulling off the fashions from the high dollar stores for next to nothing when purchased used at the thrift store. Check out the outfit comparisons I have done so far these week.

So how do you make buying used work for you? Here are a couple tips that I have found helpful.

1. Find a good store. The key to good thrifting is finding a good place to shop. This takes some time, but don't be too quick to dismiss, because there are some diamonds in the rough out there.

2. Give it time. You may save hundreds of dollars buying your clothing used, but you pay for it in the fact that you have to sift through a lot of stuff that you don't want. I enjoy the challenge, but it's an art form that doesn't always come naturally. Like any other craft or sport you get the hang of it the more you practice it.

3. Be creative. You don't have to use the items you find for it's intended purpose. I have used scarves for belts, dresses for shirts. I've worn men's and XXL children's clothes too. Think outside the box.

4. Alter your clothing. I am not a seamstress, but I have done some very BASIC adjustments to clothes when needed. More importantly I have enlisted friends and family if I found something that was too perfect to pass up just because in needed to be hemmed.

5. Look for sales. Almost every Thrift store has some kind of a system were certain items are 50% off. This is what makes it worth it for me. There are also days that all items are 50% off or color coded clothing is 50 cents. Check your local thrift store for these deals.

I LOVE thrift store shopping! It not only saves me money, and helps save the environment, but all my clothes are one of kind. I have owned exotic brands that I could have never afforded otherwise. I would say about 80% of my families wardrobe are all used clothes and we get lots of compliments. So, as far as I know we don't dress like homeless vagabonds.
Here are some examples of our thrift store garb throughout the years...

2005 Christmas in New Orleans

2006 hair cut for locks of love

2007 baby shower

2008 our little boy

These are just some random shots where we happened to be dressed in all thrift head to toe. So, as you can see it works for me!
For more works for me wednesday go to rocksinmydryer.net


Anonymous said...

I love this because I thrift too. :) I also love your outfit comparisons - can I shop with you?! :D

Wani said...

WOW! I'm so impressed! Can I get you to be my fashion/budget consultant?

Michele @ Frugal Granola said...

Great post! :) I love thrift store shopping, too! :)


Becky said...

Awesome post and thrifting project! I too am a hard-core thriftaholic. But these days, I'm in withdrawal. When we lived in California, I was surrounded by great, GREAT thrifts. I dressed us all in thrifted stuff and sold some goodies on ebay. (Who gives two pairs of Chanel ballet flats to Goodwill??) But now, in suburban Atlanta, it seems like the thrifts are few and grungy.

Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

you are an inspiration! I need to get to the thrift stores.

Momof3 said...

great idea. We all need to save money and this sounds like a great way to start.