Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Car Wreck

I like to keep things light here at the messy mom blog, but today I have a story to tell of one of the scariest moments of my life. I feel it is important that I share it because not only is it a testimony of God's provision, but it is also a reminder to wear a seat belt and have infants properly restrained in a car seat while on the road.

This past March I was in Kentucky with my 6 month old son visiting family and photographing a wedding. It was time to head back home to Dallas where my husband was waiting for us. My mother drove us to the airport and while we wee riding along on the highway going about 70 MPH the traffic ahead began to stop. My mom hit the brakes in order to avoid a collision and the car started to swerve, first to the left then to the right and we headed off road toward a ditch. All I remember was the airbag and a bunch of dirt coming at me when I lost consciousness for a brief moment. When I woke up the window had been busted out so I jumped through it and ran to the back of the car screaming at the top of my lungs "OH GOD, MY SON, SAVE MY BABY! JESUS CHRIST!! OH JESUS JUST LET HIM BE OKAY! I had completely LOST it. I tried to get him out through the window, but the car seat was too heavy for me in my condition and the door was smashed shut. My mom got him out from her side and immediately assured me that he was fine. At that moment I felt light headed and collapsed on the ground and just wept.
My mom brought the baby over to me so that I could hold him in my arms. Some people pulled over to help and were on the phone with emergency services. I didn't even realize that the car had rolled over until I heard some one tell the paramedics. I had hit my head on the roof of the car and had a huge knot on the right side. We were all 3 rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Everyone there reminded me over and over that my baby was okay and that did help me to calm down a lot, although I was still trembling.
In the end all of us were okay. We got another flight and were back home several days later. The only thing I came away with from the accident were scrapes, bruises, a strained neck, and a big chunk of missing hair that I guess had been sliced off by the broken glass. The whole time I was in the hospital the worship song "He Loves Us" by John Marc McMillan was going through my mind. He loves us, Oh how He loves us, Oh how He loves us... I felt those words flowing through me over and over bringing me peace in the midst of it all. He loves us, He does.

Here is a photo of my mom's car which was totaled and yes it is a Volvo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God you're all ok! What a powerful testimony! I wrote about a fender bender this week; I'm humbled to read your words. He is so good, All The Time. Blessings, Whitney