Friday, October 10, 2008

Thrift Show: Outfit #5

So far all of the outfits from this virtual fashion show have been a little more dressy. These are great for work, church and going out, but what about casual clothes? I definitely get a lot of my day to day looks from thrift stores as well. For example let's take a look at some of these classic pieces.

American Eagle Blazer- $69.50

Hollister Jeans- $49.50

Hollister Pollo- $39.50

Total- $158.50

My thrift store version-

American Eagle Blazer- $5.00
Jeans- $5.00
Hollister Pollo (exact same one except mines brown)- $2.50
Total= $12.50

* Ironic fact: I have never actually stepped foot in a Hollister store!

From Dressy to Casual the thrift store has held it's own. Check back tomorrow for the 6th and final ensemble.


Becky said...

I'm loving your thrifty outfits! I've never been in a Hollister store either. I don't think it's for me. It looks dark in there.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your style show. I was so impressed, I actually wrote and published a post just now highlighting the whole thing for my readers to pop over and admire.

Great work, great white background and lighting for your own modeling shots, and great overall concept. Hope you do a winter and spring style week, as well. If you do, be sure to let me know.

I'm off to Goodwill today, as a result of your inspiration. Their prices have gotten a little high for secondhand, but it's so convenient, I'd spend more money in gas driving around in search of alternative stores. I can ride my bike to one of the Goodwills, and pass by the second one all the time on errands.

Anonymous said...

Oh, for easy reference, here's the link to my Messy Mom Style Week post: